Scientific work of the department
– Study of the physiology and pathology of breeding pigs and cattle;
– Development of methods of diagnostics, prevention and therapy of obstetric and gynecological pathology in cows, heifers and sows;
– Development of biotechnological methods and techniques for the intensification and correction of reproductive function in pigs and cattle;

• Development of methods for the intensification of the reproductive function of males and females of cattle and pigs.
• Development of methods of diagnostics, prognosis, therapy and prevention of childbirth pathology, postpartum pathology and breast pathology in cows and sows.
• Application of methods of electropuncture reflexology in obstetrics and gynecology.
• Development of methods for the prevention of infectious diseases in farm poultry.
At the department work:
Branch of the Department under the conditions of JSC “Kosivschinskoe”, Sumy district
Branch of the Department under the conditions of JSC “Victoria”, Krasnopil district
Branch of the department – “Clinic of small animals” in the conditions of the state enterprise “Zooveprompostach”.
Theses were defended (from 1997 to 2019): 2 doctoral theses, 17 PhD theses.
Theses for the dissertation are prepared: doctoral – 4, PhD – 3.
Masters degree – 120.
Published: textbooks – 2, monographs – 4, textbooks – 10, scientific articles – 516, production recommendations – 12, educational-methodical recommendations – 47, patents – 2, reference books –4.
Assistance to production advisory and practical assistance to farms of different ownership of Sumy and other regions of Ukraine. Conducting regional and district seminars, conducting obstetric and gynecological examination of animals of different species.
Developed and implemented in production: methods of restoration, stimulation and synchronization of reproductive function in females and males of farm animals; methods of electropuncture reflexology in veterinary gynecology; monthly and annual charts of main indicators for reproduction of herds of cattle and pigs; the use of tissue preparations made from the placenta and membranes of man, for the intensification of reproductive function in females and males of different species of animals.
The volume of measures developed and implemented by the employees of the department in the above mentioned directions in the farms of Sumy and other regions of Ukraine, Russia, Moldova and Belarus since the foundation of the department made about 5 million hryvnias.

Educational work
– Obstetrics and Gynecology;
– Animal reproduction technology;
– Obstetric physiology and pathology;
– Diseases of small animals.
– Laboratory and clinical classes are conducted in the conditions of the laboratories of the department and the branches of the department on production (farms, farms and private clinics in Sumy);
– Lectures on the courses of obstetrics and gynecology, physiology and pathology of animal breeding and small animal disease at the Faculty of Mathematics and Artificial insemination at the Biotechnology Department are read with demonstration of video films, slides, tables, preparations and other visual information ;
– During laboratory and clinical classes, educational and industrial practice students acquire practical skills and methods of diagnostics, therapy and prevention of obstetric, gynecological and breast pathology;
– The teaching process at the department is conducted on a modular rating system for 5 years;
– Every year 10-12 students of the Faculty of Pharmacy undergo training in the conditions of farms in the UK, Germany, Australia, Poland, Austria and the USA, learning the features of practical activity of doctors of veterinary medicine in these countries;
– During the period of its existence, the staff of the department issued more than 40 methodical developments for the students of veterinary and zooengineering faculties on the issues of auditing, educational and production practice, writing of medical history, course, diploma and master’s works;
– There is a scientific student circle at the department, which deals with scientific topics on obstetrics and gynecology;
– Every year veterinary specialists, zoo-engineers and artificial insemination technicians working in the farms of Sumy region undergo retraining;
– 40-45 masters of veterinary medicine are trained annually;
– Every year at the department there are traineeships of teachers of FME of other universities of Ukraine.
It is recommended and introduced into production:
• A system of indications and contraindications to the use of stimulating and synchronizing agents in the intensification and correction of reproductive function in sows, boars, cows and heifers;
• Tissue, pathogenetic, etiotropic and electropuncture reflexology in gynecological pathology in sows, cows and females of small animals;
• Method of surgical elimination of cow’s stiffness;
• Obstetric and gynecological examination system;
• System for prognosis and prevention of birth pathology, postpartum complications and postpartum pathology in sows and cows;
• System for prognosis and prevention of serous mastitis in sows and cows;
• System of prognosis, treatment and prevention of cystic ovarian formation in sows.