Associate Professor, Candidate of Veterinary Sciences
Researcher ID U-9898-2018
Registration address: G. Kondratieva St., 144/2, apt. 87, 40021, Sumy, Ukraine. Mobile. tel .: +38 0996833414 Year of birth 13.08.1950 Graduated from Kharkiv Pet Veterinary Institute (now CDZVA), Ukraine in 1974 (veterinarian) Professional activity: From 1974 to 1982 – Senior Serologist at Kharkiv Regional Veterinary Laboratory (Liptsi village, Kharkiv district). From 1982 to 1997 – Senior Doctor of the Cattle Diseases Laboratory of UkrNDIEV (now NECE “IEKVM”, Kharkiv)
From 1999-2008 he is a resident physician of the Department of epizootology and ESA of SNAU
In the 2004/2005 and 2005/2006 academic years – assistant of the Department of Virology, Pathanatomy and Poultry Diseases (in combination) of SNAU
From 2008 till now – Associate Professor of the Department of Virology, Patanatomy and Bird Diseases of Sumy NAU
2007 defended her Ph.D. thesis at IECVM, Kharkiv
Candidate of Veterinary Sciences, specialty 16.00.08 – epizootology and infectious diseases
Teaching experience at a university for 16 years
He has more than 104 scientific publications in domestic and foreign editions, monograph and patent for utility model of Ukraine.
Main disciplines: Pathological anatomy of the Bachelor of Science and Technology and Research Methodology of the Master’s degree program (in Ukrainian); Pathological anatomy (English)
Field of research:
R&D “Develop an epizootic wellbeing control system for infectious animal diseases based on monitoring, diagnosis, prediction and assessment of the safety of livestock and poultry products in the North-Eastern region of Ukraine”
GDT №3-7 «Improvement of the biosecurity system of poultry farm facilities of Avis – Ukraine LLC
Advanced training (internship):
Intenational Historical Biographical Institute mizhnarodnyy sertyfikat № 10 863 / 11 march 2023
Individual consultations – room 74, every Tuesday from 14:00 to 15:00.