Fotina Alexey

Associate Professor of Veterinary Examination, Microbiology, Zoohygiene and Safety and Quality of Livestock Products. Scientific consultant for the production of feed and feed additives LLC “Sumy Technokorm”. He was born in Sumy on July 27. 1979. In 1996 he graduated from the Anglo-Law Lyceum in Sumy. From 1997 to 2002 he studied at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Sumy National University. From 2002 to 2005 he worked as a veterinarian at the State Sumy Breeding Center. In 2007 he entered graduate school with a break from production in the specialty 16.00.07 – veterinary obstetrics. From 2006 to 2009 he worked as a veterinarian – consultant to LLC “Provimi” specializing in feed and feed additives for farm animals and poultry. He graduated from the electron microscopy training course and has a certificate of completion (2008). He was on an internship in Great Britain (2003-2004). Since 2009 he has worked at the Department of Surgery of SNAU. In 2010 he graduated with a master’s degree and received a diploma in “Administrative Management”. In 2011 he defended his dissertation. Today he works as an associate professor of veterinary and sanitary examination, zoohygiene, microbiology and safety and quality of livestock products. In 2017 he graduated with a master’s degree from the Faculty of Law of Sumy NAU, received a master’s degree in law.

Researcher IDU-1020-2018


Contact phone: +380999360269 Address: 40021 Ukraine Sumy, G. Kondratieva, 160 SNAU Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. Disciplines taught: Safety and quality of food and feed, Fundamentals of biosafety, bioethics and veterinary ecology, Quality and safety of feed and feed additives, Organization and control of sanitary measures. Direction of scientific research: Development and improvement of methods for diagnosis, treatment, prevention of infectious diseases of poultry and obtaining quality and safe poultry products. Preclinical studies of veterinary drugs. Determination of quality and safety of feeds and feed additives. Study of animal welfare issues in the conditions of modern industrial animal husbandry of Ukraine