The main scientific directions that were formed in the first years of the department’s existence continued and received further development. Currently, it is the development and implementation of methods for early diagnosis, treatment and prevention of metabolic diseases in animals; neonatal and postnatal diseases of young animals (dyspepsia, alimentary anemia, bronchopneumonia, rickets, toxic liver dystrophy); introduction into clinical practice of modern methods and means of diagnosis and treatment of internal diseases of animals.

Numerous laboratory, scientific, production and production tests are refined and implemented in practice environmentally safe and effective methods of correction of metabolic disorders, treatment and prevention of diseases of young stock

In recent years, 3 doctoral and 4 candidate’s theses have been defended at the department. 12 recommendations on diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases approved by the Academic Council of Sumy National Agrarian University and scientific and technical council of the State Veterinary and Phytosanitary Service of Ukraine were prepared and published.

The research work of the department today implements scientific research on solving a number of priority applied problems in the field of veterinary medicine in the following areas:

Regulation of the quality and safety of livestock products on the basis of the development of innovative methods and systems for controlling infectious diseases of animals.
Biological and ecological features of growing Ginkgo biloba L., as organic raw materials, for pharmaceutical purposes by creating plantations in the conditions of the North-Eastern Forest-Steppe of Ukraine.
Development of technology of organic dried vegetable and fruit and berry semi-finished products and energy-efficient installation using solar panels
Clinical and experimental substantiation and development of systems of therapeutic and preventive measures for internal pathology of animals.
Scientific support for the development of a system for controlling economically significant animal diseases based on innovative methods and technologies.
Improvement of methods and systems of therapeutic and preventive measures in the presence of multiple internal pathology, immunodeficiencies and metabolic disorders of various etiologies in animals.
Diagnosis, therapy and prevention of internal diseases of young stock.
Creation of ecological safety of the system of veterinary protection of animals for metabolic disorders and immunodeficiency conditions arising on this basis, gastrointestinal, respiratory and factor diseases in the conditions of the North-Eastern region of Ukraine.
Forecasting the risks of cross-border skidding and spread of especially dangerous animal diseases and developing scientifically based disinfection systems based on innovative import-substitute highly effective means.
Clinical and epizootic monitoring and improvement of therapeutic and preventive measures for mixed calf infections.
Study of new approaches to the introduction of beekeeping and batch beekeeping.
Development of new stimulating drugs and disinfectants in beekeeping.
Development and implementation of new disinfectants of prolonged action in animal husbandry.

Topics on which scientific work is carried out

1.”Clinical and experimental substantiation and development of systems of therapeutic and preventive measures for internal pathology of animals” (state registration number 0115U001340);

2.”Scientific support for the development of control systems for internal factor, associated, emergent and economically significant infectious diseases of animals on the basis of innovative methods and technologies” (state registration number 0115U001341);

3. Forecasting the risks of cross-border skidding and spread of especially dangerous animal diseases and the development of scientifically based disinfection systems based on innovative import-substitute highly effective means (state registration number 0115 U 001342)

4. The impact of milk production technology on its quality and safety (state registration number 0116U005655)

5. Sanitary and hygienic justification of the use of detergent and disinfectant “FINK-SpulASS” when receiving milk (state registration number 0116U005656)

6. Improvement of sanitary and hygienic measures in the apiaries of the south-eastern region of Ukraine (state registration number 0116U005657)

7. Improvement of veterinary and sanitary control in the production of pork with intensive technology (state registration number 0116U005658)

8. Formation of professional competence of future specialists of the agrarian industry in the study of chemical disciplines (state registration number 0116U007235)

9. Development and improvement of veterinary and sanitary measures to ensure the prevention, treatment, increase of productivity and resistance of animals” (state registration number – 0119U101389)

10. Grant, state budget and economic issues:
Dolbankosova R.V. is the executor of interfaculty DBT 0119U100551 “Introduction of nanocomposite materials into innovative technologies of incubation of agricultural poultry eggs” (2019-2021)


The staff of the department provides advisory and practical assistance to farms of various forms of ownership of the North-Eastern region of Ukraine regarding the diagnosis, as well as in the development and implementation of therapeutic and preventive measures for internal non-contagious and infectious diseases, including mixed and associated animal infections.

It is possible to provide consulting services on chemical analysis of water, soils, feed, agricultural products.


The laboratory of electron microscopy conducts scientific research of microstructure, microrelef, phase and elementary composition of inorganic, metallic and biological samples using scanning (raster) and translucent electron microscopy;

The laboratory is a scientific base in the preparation of doctoral and candidate’s dissertations and planned departmental scientific research.

The laboratory is the basis for conducting educational and practical training of students of the faculties of veterinary medicine, engineering and technological, agrotechnologies and nature management, food technologies that study for the degree of higher education “Bachelor” and “Master”

The laboratory of electron microscopy of SNAU is equipped with two electron microscopes:

Raster electron microscope REM 106i (SELMI, Ukraine)
Translucent electron microscope PEM 100-01 (SELMI, Ukraine)
Translucent electron microscope PEM 100-01 is designed for the study of ultra-thin sections of tissues or replica samples

Raster electron microscope with X-ray microanalysis function REM-106 and is designed to study the surface of objects and allows you to establish the linear dimensions of the submicron range and the mass fraction of elements by X-ray microanalysis

The Laboratory of Electron Microscopy will see scientific research in the following areas:

Veterinary Medicine
Materials Science
Solid State
Physics Geology
Soil Science


On the basis of the laboratory, training courses on electron microscopy are held for graduate students, doctoral students and scientists of both Sumy NATIONAL University and other universities of Ukraine. Students of the courses get acquainted with the principle of scanding and shine through what the microscope, the theoretical foundations of preparation of preparation of preparation and perform practical research in their own scientific direction.

Ready to cooperate:

Implementation of research works in the framework of research of microstructure, microrelef, phase and elementary composition of inorganic, metallic and biological samples using scanning (raster) and translucent electron microscopy using electron microscopes “REM-106y” and “PEM – 100-01”;

Conducting courses in electron microscopy for masters, postgraduates and scientists.

The department has student scientific circles:

1. Therapist

2. Diagnostician

3. Pharmacologist

4. Toxicologist

5. Chemist

According to the results of research work of students, more than 200 scientific works have been published