The department has two laboratories:

Laboratory of Innovative Technologies and Food Safety and Quality Order № 583 dated 30.06.2007, accredited on 25.05.2008 № RU-903/08

Laboratory of “Veterinary Pharmacy” (order № 713 of 31. 08. 2005, accredited on 15.05.2007) № RU-891/07

Development and implementation of domestic means of prevention and treatment of infectious diseases of animals and poultry.

Monitoring system of control methods and veterinary and sanitary measures on the quality and safety of livestock products in diseases of infectious etiology.

Development of a comprehensive control system for allergens in food products.

Regulation of quality and safety of livestock products based on the development of innovative methods and control systems for infectious diseases of animals.

Evaluation of the effectiveness of modern antiseptics and disinfectants to obtain environmentally friendly and high quality products of animal origin.

Evaluation of the effectiveness of modern antiseptics and disinfectants to obtain environmentally friendly and high quality bee products.

System of monitoring, control methods and veterinary and sanitary measures on the quality and safety of livestock products in diseases of bacterial etiology.

Monitoring of campylobacter infection of poultry, development of methods of diagnosis, prevention and development of methods of control over the quality and safety of poultry products.

Development and implementation of new methods and tools for diagnosis, therapy and prevention of infectious diseases in order to obtain environmentally friendly livestock products

Development of means of treatment and prevention of infectious fish diseases. Improving veterinary and sanitary assessment of fish and marine aquatic disease


During the existence of the Department, 16 theses for the degree of Candidate of Veterinary Sciences were prepared and defended; including under the guidance of Professor II Panikar – 7 (Tyutchenko YM, Reshetilo OI, Bulgakova IM, Risovany VI, Milanko GA, Pedan VA, Panasenko O.S. .); Professor GA Zone – 4 (Nikich SA, Skripka MV, Sorokova VV, Vashchik EV); of Sciences, Professor Fotina TI – 5 (Milanko OO, Ulko LG, Petrov RV, Sakhatskaya OI, Avramenko NO), Prof. A.F. Babkina -Ivanovskaya LB and one doctoral dissertation – Fotina TI

Teachers of the department actively continue to work in the field of scientific training. Under their direction, 5 graduate students and 10 masters each year conduct their research. The department has a research laboratory of pathomorphology.

The main scientific developments of the department are carried out within the framework of the training load on the theme: “To develop a system of control of epizootic well-being for infectious animal diseases on the basis of monitoring, diagnostics, prognosis and assessment of the safety of livestock and poultry products in North-Eastern Ukraine” (No. 1400061)

The following topics are fulfilled at the department: “Improvement of the biosecurity system of the facilities of the Avis-Ukraine LLC poultry farm.”

There are 4 scientific student circles at the department: Virology, Bird Diseases, Pathanatomy and Small Animal Diseases.

Branches of the department:

Vetservice Veterinary Medicine Clinic, Sumy.

Avis-Ukraine LLC, Sumy district, Sumy region.

Achievements and awards. Professor Zon G.A. has awards: the “Veteran of Veterinary Medicine of Ukraine” incentive distinction, bronze medal of the Exhibition of People’s Achievement of the USSR. Patents and copyright certificates A.S. № 852283 USSR. Vacuum regulator of the milking machine / А.А. Zadorozhny, VI Gritsaenko, I.I. Panic, etc .; claimant of the Discovery, invention, prom. arr. and freight. signs. – VNIIPI; publ. 08/08/81, Bul. №29

Patents and copyright certificates

A.S. № 852283 USSR. Vacuum regulator of the milking machine / А.А. Zadorozhny, VI Gritsaenko, I.I. Panic, etc .; claimant of the Discovery, invention, prom. arr. and freight. signs. – VNIIPI; publ. 08/08/81, Bul. №29

A.S. 142424169 USSR. A preparation for the prevention of the associated course of coccidiosis and bird colibacteriosis / Zon GA, Kirillov AI, Ilyushechkin Yu.P. etc .; petitioner All-Union Veterinary Poultry Research Institute. – № 4123225; claimed 17.06.1986; publ. 15.05.1988

A.S. 1720611 USSR. The way of life support of animals and birds indoors / Zon GA etc .; petitioner All-Union Veterinary Poultry Research Institute. – № 4488204; claimed 25.07.1988; publ. 11/22/1991

Stalemate. 48336 Ukraine, IPC (2009) C12Q 1/68. Detection method of Babesia canis in biological specimens by polymerase chain reaction / Prikhodko Yu.A., Nikiforova OV, Simonenko VI, Kulshin VE, Reshetilo OI, Ilkiv LM, Shushval VV; Applicant and patentee Prikhodko Yu.A., Nikiforova OV, Simonenko VI, Kulshin VE, Reshetilo OI, Ilkiv LM, Shushval VV – No. 2009 10524; capt. 16.10.2009; publ. 10.03. 2010. Bul. №14.