To foreign students

One of the most prestigious faculties of the Sumy National University is the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. High-quality teaching is ensured thanks to the high qualification of the teaching staff. The faculty employs 11 professors, doctors of science, more than 48 associate professors, candidates of science. The annual licensed recruitment is 175 people, of which 120 places are funded by the budget. Among first-year students, the majority are accepted after early special training on courses taught by highly qualified teachers, a third of those accepted by state order are awarded medals or have a diploma with honors. An educational and methodological complex has been developed for each discipline, which facilitates the study of each discipline. The faculty is headed by Associate Professor, Candidate of Veterinary Sciences O.L. Nechiporenko. Our students constantly win at Olympiads, participate in student conferences. The faculty uses the most modern alternative learning technologies. Thus, a modern computer class has been created at the Department of Anatomy, where students can study according to alternative programs. The term of study at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine is 4 years for school graduates and 3 years for college graduates. Special introductory disciplines: Ukrainian language; biology or chemistry, there is a possibility of admission by professional interview for college graduates. Students of the faculty of veterinary medicine can undergo specializations, in particular: "Biotechnology", "Diseases of small animals", "Diseases of poultry, pigs, cattle", Quality and safety of livestock products, "Business in veterinary medicine". After receiving a diploma, a specialist has the opportunity to continue his studies at a master's degree, then a postgraduate course in the following areas: 1. Veterinary microbiology and virology 2. Veterinary pharmacology and toxicology 3. Animal hygiene and veterinary sanitation 4. Veterinary obstetrics 5. Epizootology and infectious diseases 6. Parasitology, helminthology Employment prospects: state veterinary service /regional center, cities of regional subordination/; farms of various forms of ownership; biological factories, veterinary examination laboratories in the markets; diagnostic laboratories of veterinary medicine; veterinary pharmacies; units of the veterinary police; customs; private clinics of meat processing plants; dairies; teachers of agricultural technical colleges, universities (by specialty), supermarkets. The advantages of the faculty are also the opportunity for a student from the II year to receive a parallel second economic education with the receipt of an equivalent bachelor's degree (specialties: law, accounting and auditing, management of organizations). Students who study in groups with in-depth study of a foreign language are issued a certificate with the subsequent possibility of educational practice, internship or study in many countries of the world: Germany, England, Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Austria, France, America, Greece, Australia , Canada, Turkey, Poland and other countries of the world. For more detailed information, contact the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine or call 8 - (0542) - 627845 (Dean's Office of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine).