associate professor of epizootology and parasitology department

candidate of veterinary sciences, associate professor




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Was born on July 21, 1953 in village of Konstantinopol Great-Novoselkivskii district Donetsk region. In 1970 finished secondary school and till 1973 worked as the veterinary sanitary assistant in state farm «Zaboishchik» Donetsk region.

1973 – 1978 studied at the Kharkiv zoo-veterinary institute on the faculty of veterinary medicine.

1978 – 1979 worked as the veterinary doctor of state farm «Korsunskyi» Yasinovatsk district Donetsk region.

1979 – 1981 worked as the leading doctor and then as the deputy director of Kharkiv regional veterinary and sanitary detachment.

1981 – 1988 is the researcher at the laboratory for prevention of poultry diseases of the Ukrainian research institute of poultry.

Since September 1, 1988 till present time works as the associate professor of epizootology and parasitology department of the faculty of veterinary medicine SNAU.

In 1989 at a meeting of the Specialized Scientific Council of Belorus scientific-research institute of experimental veterinarydefended thesis on the theme «Attenuated strain «K-USRIP» (K – Ukrainian scientific-research institute of poultry) of duck hepatitis virus and its use as a vaccine in specialty 16.00.03 – veterinary microbiology, virology, epizootology, immunology and mycology.

A.I. Fotin is the author of invention of «Strain K-USRIP» of duck hepatitis virus and its use as a vaccine.

Experience of pedagogical work in the higher educational institutions of III-IV level of accreditation is 31 years in SNAU.

Main study disciplines: «Veterinary legislation of Ukraine and international veterinary law», «Organization and economics of veterinary affairs», «Biotechnology of veterinary immunobiological drugs».

Advanced training and scientific work. From 1999 is the member of the World Association of Poultry. Gives the consulting assistance in the questions of the prevention of infectious diseases of waterfowl, as well as on the problems of immunoprophylaxis of rabies in animals.

A.I. Fotin prepares postgraduate students in specialty 211 «Veterinary Medicine».

State budget, economic contract grant themes: «Preclinical and clinical studies of environmentally friendly drugs for animal husbandry« № 17-8-3, NVF «Brovafarma» and others.