Associate Professor of epizootology and parasitology department




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Was born on January 25, 1977 in the village of Kaliivka Shostka district Sumy region. In 1991 finished Tymaniv eight-year school, in 1995 he finished Putyvl agricultural technical school veterinary medicine department. in 2000 he graduated from Sumy State agrarian Institute, veterinary medicine faculty.

Worked as the chief veterinarian doctor at JSC AF «Khotin», microbiologist of the center of scientific research and introduction of new technologies at the Sumy state biofactory.

2005 defended the thesis “Pseudomonas quail (biological properties of the pathogen, diagnosis, control measures)” to obtain the degree of the candidate of veterinary sciences in specialty 16.00.03 –  veterinary microbiology, virology in Odessa State Agrarian University.

Pedagogical experience in higher educational institutions of the III-IV level of accreditation totals 18 years.

Key teaching disciplines include:

I underwent advanced training at the Department of Infectious Pathology, Hygiene, Sanitation, and Biosafety at Poltava State Agrarian University in 2023. The training focused on acquiring knowledge and practical experience in teaching professional disciplines related to infectious pathology in veterinary medicine.

I have been involved in research and have received state budget and economic contract grants for the project titled “Development of New Principles for the Diagnosis and Prevention of Parasitic Diseases in Animals and the Improvement of Measures to Combat Them” (registered under number 0105U00768).

Now scientific research is carried out in accordance with the theme «Development Program «Optimization of the measures to prevent the occurrence and spread of infectious animal diseases in the farms of the North-Eastern region of Ukraine”, state registration number 0122U001254, 2022–2027.

Additional information: I am a participant in the “Dobra Volia” initiative.